Coagula Curatorial presents SHOW ME YOUR HAND, a group show of art privileging the hand-labored element of creation curated by Leigh Salgado.
The HAND in the exhibit’s title refers to the dexterous appendage that makes artistic visions into experiential objects. The artist’s hand is evident in the process, labor, physicality and attention to detail in SHOW ME YOUR HAND. A combination of interests that include abstract, figurative and representational elements are presented here. Each object itself and the labor that went into it is message enough, although, there are other meanings, some subtle, others more apparent, throughout the exhibit.
Each of the seven artists in the show create sophisticated visual objects via working with their hands. Somewhat out of fashion in a culture awash in digital stimuli and an art world satisfied with conceptual blather, the hand-made art objects produced by these seven are satisfying to the eye and the mind of the viewer while asserting that their individual laborious process underscores the commitment to vision of their maker.