La Luz De Jesus Gallery proudly presents our 13th annual juried group exhibition, “Everything But the Kitsch ‘N Sync”. This gigantic, no-theme show features works from some of the freshest and most relevant artists working today. Over 8,000 commercial illustrators, graphic designers, tattooists, scenics, students, animators and working gallery artists submitted their work for consideration, and after weeks of deliberation we narrowed it down to 123 artists showcasing just over 225 pieces. The show includes artists we’ve previously exhibited (who consistently produce some of the most interesting paintings and sculptures in pop contemporary), as well as a large selection of work from a brand new batch of undiscovered, underground talent.
“Everything but the Kitschen Sync” began in October 1986 as the “Día de los Muertos” show which was entirely focused on the folk art, sculptures and imagery of Mexico’s “Day of the Dead” celebration. By 1995, gallery owner and curator Billy Shire felt the show had run its course and presented other themed group exhibitions such as the 1996 “21st Century Tiki Show” curated with Otto Von Stroheim. In 1998 Shire decided to present a non-themed show dedicated to illustrative and narrative artwork. As many local artists work in commercial graphic art fields such as illustration, cartooning, animation, etc., the show was named “Uncommercial Art by Commercial Artists.” In 2004, Shire changed the show title to the more encompassing and less-cumbersome “Everything but the Kitschen Synch.”
“Everyone looks at this show for new and interesting artists,” states Shire, and indeed, not only does La Luz de Jesus pick artists from the Kitschen Sync for future, smaller-group and solo shows – numerous curators and owners of other galleries also keep their eyes on the yearly show for potential artists to add to their rosters. This is the only opportunity for emerging artists to show at the most prestigious gallery in post-pop and it is one of the most anticipated shows of the year because patrons get a crack at buying art from future superstars. Please join La Luz de Jesus as we continue to support the latest and most original efforts from the nation’s alternative art scene.